The task of a Psychometrist
A Psychometrist is a professionally trained
What is a Psychometric
“We had such a positive experience with Leonie when our oldest daughter needed some guidance at Grade 11 level. The testing process is quite long and challenging, but Leonie made sure she understood the process and made it easy for her to make the most of her testing experience. We were able to discuss the different testing options and choose the process that we needed the most. With both of our daughters, the parent meeting was so well laid out and informative. She made sure to speak directly to the girls and empower them in their choices and journey. Her verbal feedback was thorough and helped us to see various ways forward. The final written feedback was valuable with much extra information added for our research. Thank you Leonie.”
“My seun, Markus se belangstelling was wyd en hy was nogal onseker waar sy aanleg regtig lê. Leonie het hoog aangeskryf gekom, en ek was so aangenaam verras deur haar vinnige terugvoer op ons navraag. Sy het ‘n baie huislike en rustige benadering wat my kind dadelik op sy gemak geplaas het. Die evaluasie was volledig en omvattend , en ons het dit so geniet om te hoor hoe akkuraat sy Markus se persoonlikheid kon vasvat. Dit het veral vir hom baie klaarheid en sekerheid gegee rondom sy sterk punte en waar hy natuurlik en maklik ontwikkel, maar ook waaraan hy sal moet aandag gee.Sy het moeite gedoen om vir hom te wys en verduidelik wat al die opsies is vir die rigting wat sy voorstel om sy horison van moontlikhede te verbreed. Hy het met nuwe motivering en doelgerigtheid daar uit gestap. Ons het so ‘n aangename ervaring gehad dat ek definitief my dogter ook gaan neem vir aanleg toetse.”
“We are so grateful for the input we received from Leonie, for our son Jadon. Having him assessed with her and receiving detailed career guidance, as well suggestions for where to study, played a vital role in his decision-making process after matriculating. He was accepted to study at Sol-Tech and he is looking forward to thriving in his chosen career path. Thank you Leonie!”
“Ons is baie dankbaar vir die wyse waarop jou toetse klariteit en rigting vir my seun, Rudo kon gee. Dit het ons rustigheid gegee ten opsigte van wat ons volgende belangrike stap gaan wees, en sonder jou inset sou ons baie meer onseker gewees het. Ons moes dit definitief vroeër gedoen het, dit was van onskatbare waarde gewees! Baie dankie.”
“Leonie assessed both my boys for subject choices and more recently my older son for career guidance. She connected with each of them and pin pointed their personalities and what they are passionate about, helping them to choose their subjects accurately. Her feedback to us after the assessments was extremely valuable, helping us to navigate subject choices and university degrees.”
“Leonie het ons gehelp met studiemetode kursusse, skolastiese assessering en vakkeuses vir hoërskool. Leonie bied 'n gemaklike omgewing waarin die toetse en kursusse gedoen word en tesame met haar aandag en omgee vir elke kind, was nog elke keer wat ons haar besoek het, net positief. Sy het 'n passie vir wat sy doen ek ek kan haar met selfvertroue aanbeveel.”
“A career decision in today’s hectic life is a challenge on its own and it is definitely necessary to seek the right qualified professionals to lead parents and their career-seeking children in this field and an ever changing working environment. Leonie has really gone the extra mile and made efforts to produce the best suited results for our daughter, Amy. The most important factor for us as parents was that our daughter immediately felt safe and at ease discussing her interests (and insecurities) with Leonie after the necessary tests were performed and the results were explained on a level that everyone understood. Leonie clearly explained where our daughter can fit in with ease in her career path, based on her personality, and provided us with multiple learning centers, universities and colleges best suited to her needs. Leonie can be relied upon and we recommend her to anyone seeking career advice. Further and perhaps most important to us were the in-between chats she scheduled with Amy to make her feel at ease and to reassure her about the future and the career choice she makes. Leonie just spoke with so much compassion and love to Amy that she walked away from each meeting with confidence and self-worth. Thank you Leonie for your assistance.”